


我擦你 妹啊!!!!(和谐) 大陆就你们懂删帖是吧? 还让不让人好好说话了! 删帖是吧? 那我就说说关于麦格理银行的风凉话! 有本事你们把下面这段话也给我删掉!!!!!!!!!!

“The China strategy is crucial to the future of Macquarie and its ambitions in Asia. The bank has been expanding rapidly into the Chinese capital markets, and last year it won approval from Beijing to open a full-service bank in the country. “In the long run we’ll probably have more business in mainland China than anywhere else,” says one senior executive. “This will eventually be our biggest market in Asia.” In fact, there are signs that the Australian firm is already becoming a force on the mainland, where it has opened offices in Shanghai and Beijing as well as Hong Kong. It has even started hiring locally. ” Source:《澳大利亚黑马欲挑战四大》——《环球财经》2013年5月

另外,关于麦格理银行来大陆抢饭碗,我还想说我身边就有来自麦格理的客户部员工。 我擦你们 妹啊!!!!(和谐)
